After experiencing digestion issues which lead to uncomfortable and severe eczema flare-ups, I decided to get to the root of my issues and received my first colonic at 19 years old.

Colon Hydrotherapy, or Colonics, is a colonic irrigation used to eliminate waste, gas, and toxins using warm, filtered water to cleanse and empty the colon. Alivio Wellness in NYC and Hoboken, New Jersey, offers The Woods Gravity Method for all colonics. This method uses gravity instead of machines to control the water pressure entering the gut for a more gentle and effective experience. It is a closed system, meaning the water and waste that exit your body will leave through a tube. And, most importantly, you will have a certified Colon Hydrotherapist with you throughout the entire session. Colonic treatment sessions are typically about 45 minutes to 1 hour. Your Colon Hydrotherapist will be monitoring the flow of water entering and exiting your colon and will perform abdominal massage techniques to help aid in elimination.
Eliminating constipation: Receiving a colonic procedure is like going to the gym for the bowels. During a colonic therapy session, we activate and exercise the internal muscles of the digestive system resulting in improved frequency and a reset to restore the system to a healthy schedule.
Eliminating bloat: Colon cleanse for bloating, will clear excess waste and toxins built up in the colon to prevent bloating and distention. Doing this will also result in optimal nutritional absorption from the foods we eat.
Glowing skin: The skin is our largest detoxification organ. When we hold excess waste in the intestines, it begins to circulate out toward the skin, resulting in acne, blemishes, and rashes. Releasing the burden of retained waste allows the skin to clear up and glow.
Combos & Packages
The Alleviator” (Colonic & Lymphatic Drainage): $390
Colonic & Virtual Nutritional Counseling Combo: $290
“The Alleviator” (Colonic & Lymphatic Drainage): $355
Colonic & Virtual Nutritional Counseling Combo: $280
What It Includes:
What It Includes:
In preparation for your colonic treatment, please stop eating 3 hours before your session and stop drinking liquids 1 hours prior.
For extra prep (optional), have 16-32 oz of raw vegetable juice daily and accompany each meal with a large green salad for 1-2 days prior to your colon hydrotherapy appointment. This should be done on an empty stomach, preferably in the morning. If possible, please also avoid dairy, refined starches and heavy meat dishes.
Download the Vitality Broom Cleanse (developed by Mike Perrine of @everydaydetox on Instagram) with juices, smoothies, and salad dressing recipes specifically to help get your body ready for a smooth and successful colonic cleanse treatment.
Hoboken clients: Show your appointment confirmation and receive 10% off at Purely Juiced in Hoboken for pre/post colonic prep. Located at 262 1st St in Hoboken.
Following your session, you want to slowly activate your colon by starting with water and ideally moving on to raw vegetable juice for the first 1-2 hours. The first solid food should be plant based, not over cooked or processed and after giving your body that 2 hour break. This will allow your body a moment to integrate the benefits of the treatment and continue the cleansing process. From there on you should be ok to eat your normal meals again.
After experiencing digestion issues which lead to uncomfortable and severe eczema flare-ups, I decided to get to the root of my issues and received my first colonic at 19 years old.
I am a colon therapist because colon therapy saved my life. I have been a Colon Hydrotherpist for 25+ years and my approach to this work is based on the undeniable truth that the human body operates at its peak when free of waste materials.
After experiencing the amazing benefits of colonics, she was inspired to help more people and became a Colon Hydrotherapist on the Wood's Gravity System in 2004.
I believe whole heartedly that the human body has the amazing ability to heal itself. It’s all about investing the time and energy into self care practices.