Category: Postpartum Wellness

Why Massage Plays a Crucial Role in Speeding up Postpartum Recovery

Why Massage Plays a Crucial Role in Speeding up Postpartum Recovery

June 13, 2024June 13, 2024

The postpartum period, marked by the arrival of a new-born, brings immense joy and new responsibilities for mothers. Alongside the joys, it also introduces a phase of physical and emotional adjustments, often accompanied by discomfort and stress. One holistic approach that has gained recognition for its potential in easing the postpartum journey is massage therapy....

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Why Prioritize Weight Loss After C-Section? Unveiling the Benefits

Why Prioritize Weight Loss After C-Section? Unveiling the Benefits

June 13, 2024June 13, 2024

The journey of motherhood often involves embracing various changes, and for many women who have undergone a caesarean section (C-section), the postpartum period can present unique challenges. One such consideration is the question of prioritizing weight loss after a C-section. In this blog, we will delve into the reasons why post-C-section weight loss should be...

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Nurturing Postpartum Wellness: An Exclusive Interview with Health Coach Neela Asaadi Ghomeshi

Nurturing Postpartum Wellness: An Exclusive Interview with Health Coach Neela Asaadi Ghomeshi

June 13, 2024June 13, 2024

Neela Assadi Ghomeshi is a dedicated Nutrition Coach and esteemed Pre/Postnatal Health Lifestyle Companion. With an unwavering commitment, she provides comprehensive and holistic support to women during the transformative phases of preconception, pregnancy, and postpartum. In a recent interview, we spoke with Neela, delving into the profound benefits of self-care during the initial 40 days...

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