The Colonic Mentorship Program


This program is ideal for newly certified Colon Hydrotherapists looking to get more supervised one-on-one time working on clients before starting your Colon Hydrotherapy career.

6 day Intensive – $2000


  • Educational course and a takeaway booklet: the educational course will cover everything from the basics on how the digestive tract works, to food combining and living a clean lifestyle, to FAQs you’ll receive as a colon hydrotherapist.
  • One colonic with Tom or Adriana where you will get to experience different massaging and pressure point techniques (optional).
  • Four 1 1/2 hour sessions with your client and Tom or Adriana supervising – you are responsible for bringing your own clients. Different clients per session are highly suggested as you will learn to work with different body types and lifestyles.
  • 30 minute follow-up call after each treatment.

4 day Intensive – $1800


  • Four 1 1/2 hour sessions with your client and Tom or Adriana supervising – you are responsible for bringing your own clients. Different clients per session are highly suggested as you will learn to work with different body types and lifestyles.
  • 30 minute follow-up call after each treatment

The mentorship program is available with either Tom DeVito or Adriana Viana as your mentors. To book, please email [email protected].

A copy of your certification is required before you can begin the program.