
Founder / Colon Hydrotherapist

After experiencing digestion issues which lead to uncomfortable and severe eczema flare-ups, I decided to get to the root of my issues and received my first colonic at 19 years old. That’s when I experienced, first-hand, how gut health relates to your overall health & wellness. The journey to becoming a Colon Hydrotherapist continues to lead me towards constantly working on becoming the best version of myself. It truly starts from the inside out and that’s what inspired me to start Alivio Wellness!

I want to share that experience with my clients. After getting certified at the Wood Hygienic Institute, I was fortunate to work as a Colon Hydrotherapist & Managing Partner at Vitality NYC and had the chance to train and work with Michael Perrine (@everydaydetox), a legend in the colonics world.

As a NJ native, I’m so excited for the opportunity to make these services more readily available in northern NJ and look forward to providing some Alivio to those who need it!

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